IPH 2009

to p.i.m.c. w/love

IPH will begin accepting submissions for to p.i.m.c. w/ love- the prison, industrial, military, complex issue, April 2009. IPH seeks submissions that push the discourse and grassroots activism concerning the social, personal, political, educational, spiritual, and artistic implications of the prison system.   

IPH Submission Criteria

We do not accept rolling submissions.  You will receive confirmation within one month of your submission.

Literary Submissions

Submit unpublished poems, stories, essays, plays, or experimental writing to inthepeopleshands@gmail.com.  Please submit no more than 3 poems or 5 pages of text on the designated theme for the issue. 


Visual/ Mixed Media Submissions

Submit original visual media, short film, recorded performance art, sound installations, collage, mp3, photography, or experimental work to inthepeopleshands@gmail.com.  Please submit no more than three pieces on the designated theme for the issue.

All contributors main the rights to their works upon publication.



Please note, IPH pays contributors one printed copy for published works.

3rd Annual

Community Writing Intensive 

IPH and its dedicated supporters are proud to announce the 3rd Annual Community Writing Intensive.

The Intensive will take place in Durham, NC three days during August 2009.

The Intensive will continue to provide scholarships, community lead workshops, lively discussions, youth led programs, dinner, and child care for participants.

IPH will expand in 09 to include a guest artist in residence, and a public  performance. 

For more information email inthepeopleshands@gmail.com

and visit www.ohsointense.wordpress.com.

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